Monday 15 September 2008

Time Management Strategies For Personal Productivity

If you could increase your personal productivity by say 20%, what difference would that make to the work you get completed and the success you achieve? With the right strategies and actions it will probably make a huge difference. There are many ways to increase your productivity and the right time management strategies are essential to this process. Being more productive can also leave you feeling more fulfilled rather than feeling dissatisfied when you haven't completed anywhere near enough each day.

I encourage you to take improving your productivity just one step at a time and continually building on it. Here's two strategies that can help you with your own productivity.

Prioritizing. One of the best ways to being more productive is the use of prioritizing. This allows you to see clearly what needs to be focused on rather than just stabbing around in the dark with many different actions that anyway may not lead to the results you desire. Before you carry out any tasks, just take a small amount of time to determine your priorities. These priorities are the tasks that are in alignment with your goals. At a high level you need to prioritize which projects to work on, within these projects prioritize the individual tasks. Then prioritize our daily task list so that the important stuff gets done.

Become more efficient. Efficiency it about getting tasks done well as quickly as possible. There is often a more efficient way of doing something if we only stop for a very short while to think about and see what that could be. I therefore encourage you to look at your tasks and ask yourself, “what would enable me to get this done quicker?”. It may be that you need to invest in some new tools or equipment, or speak with a colleague and find out how they are able to complete the same tasks quicker than you.

Increasing your personal productivity and making the most of time management strategies helps you to achieve your goals and feel great about yourself.

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Friday 12 September 2008

Time Management Strategy - Step Back & Reevaluate

If things are getting on top of you and you feel like there simply aren't enough hours in the day, it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate your situation. With the pressures of modern life it is easy to lose focus on the goals that are genuinely important to us. If this sounds like you, it is probably time to stop and take a closer look at how you really want to spend your time.

I invite you to start this right away. Commit now to a time, perhaps away from your usual distractions when you can sit down and be alone with yourself and your thoughts. Then with pen and paper in hand, you can look at how you are spending your time now and how ideally you want to spend your time in the future. You need to discover your own motivation and turn it into a compelling reason to act.

Once you are clear about your own motivations, you will use these as a constant reminder in order to even out the ups and downs. These reasons will help you through the tough times or when you feel it is not worth the effort.

When you have gained a clear idea of your goals for the future and how you wish to spend your time you next need to look at how you are actually spending your time now. First of all you should ask yourself the following questions:

• What does my life both personally and professionally look like and feel like today?

• What am I currently spending my time on?

Write down everything that comes to mind. Think about your work, who you spend your time with, your living environment and your income. Also, try to pinpoint the things that are missing from your life as these will hold the key to your using your time more effectively in the future.

The best way to discover where you spend your time is by using a time log. A time log is a record of how you use your time, day in and day out. It is very important that you keep one so that you can see exactly where your time is spent.

If you do this even for just one week you will get a clear idea of how you really spend your time and will probably see some surprising results. Now, that you have a clear idea of how you want to spend your time and how you really pass the hours, it is time to compare the two.

When you do this you will most likely see huge differences between them. I appreciate this may feel daunting and I encourage you to keep going, you are already moving in the right direction.

You will see that change is required, sometimes big and sometimes small. Now you can begin to take steps to spending your time in a way that will make these changes come about. Start with the small things and set yourself realistic short-term goals. Basically, take it step by step. Continue to take small steps towards your goals and later you can move onto some of the bigger changes you may need to make.

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Thursday 11 September 2008

Four Working Time Management Strategies

Time management is a concept that many people naturally have difficulty with, but with the right time management strategies, there is no reason why you cannot take charge of your time and change your life. Here are four time management strategies that need considering if you are feeling like you do not have enough time, or that you are not getting the most out of your time. By taking on just one of these strategies at a time, you can radically alter how effectively you manage time and hence how much quicker you’ll reach your goals.

1 - Simplify. There are a lot of different processes in your life that can be simplified as a means of managing your time better. Simplify how much stuff you have to cut down on the time you spend dealing with clutter, or simplify the number of tasks you have to do in a day so that you can space your tasks our more realistically. If you have complicated ways to handle certain tasks, consider working to simplify them as well. By thinking in this way, you can make many processes in your daily life more straight forward and less time intensive, which can save you a significant amount of time by the end of the day.

2 - Schedule Weekly Reviews and Re-Evaluations. By sitting down at some point during the week and looking at your time management effectiveness throughout that previous week, you can start to alter your routines and actions until they are more time effective. Every week you need to make a point to review your current time management plan and strategies, and re-evaluate them as necessary. What is working? What isn't working? This is an excellent foundation to begin from when further fine tuning the management of your time.

3 - Develop Routines. By developing routines, you will always have a good idea of what needs to be accomplished and when. Routines are excellent at encouraging both action and momentum, so if you feel like you are not getting enough done in a day, or if you feel like your time management strategies could use a pick me up, developing routines may be just the strategy for time management that you need. Create routines for different facets of your life, such as tackling morning duties at work, or weekly cleaning. When you do not have to speculate what to do because your routine is laid out for you already, you will find yourself saving a lot of time.

4 - Start Small. Time management is not something you can suddenly master. Instead, you need to start small by identifying the biggest time management problems that you need to tackle, and tackling each one individual. Chip away at your time management follies one by one until you see yourself saving time and getting more done. By taking things slow and starting small, you can better conquer your time management rather than simply becoming overwhelmed by everything involved in such a large life change.

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