Thursday 11 September 2008

Four Working Time Management Strategies

Time management is a concept that many people naturally have difficulty with, but with the right time management strategies, there is no reason why you cannot take charge of your time and change your life. Here are four time management strategies that need considering if you are feeling like you do not have enough time, or that you are not getting the most out of your time. By taking on just one of these strategies at a time, you can radically alter how effectively you manage time and hence how much quicker you’ll reach your goals.

1 - Simplify. There are a lot of different processes in your life that can be simplified as a means of managing your time better. Simplify how much stuff you have to cut down on the time you spend dealing with clutter, or simplify the number of tasks you have to do in a day so that you can space your tasks our more realistically. If you have complicated ways to handle certain tasks, consider working to simplify them as well. By thinking in this way, you can make many processes in your daily life more straight forward and less time intensive, which can save you a significant amount of time by the end of the day.

2 - Schedule Weekly Reviews and Re-Evaluations. By sitting down at some point during the week and looking at your time management effectiveness throughout that previous week, you can start to alter your routines and actions until they are more time effective. Every week you need to make a point to review your current time management plan and strategies, and re-evaluate them as necessary. What is working? What isn't working? This is an excellent foundation to begin from when further fine tuning the management of your time.

3 - Develop Routines. By developing routines, you will always have a good idea of what needs to be accomplished and when. Routines are excellent at encouraging both action and momentum, so if you feel like you are not getting enough done in a day, or if you feel like your time management strategies could use a pick me up, developing routines may be just the strategy for time management that you need. Create routines for different facets of your life, such as tackling morning duties at work, or weekly cleaning. When you do not have to speculate what to do because your routine is laid out for you already, you will find yourself saving a lot of time.

4 - Start Small. Time management is not something you can suddenly master. Instead, you need to start small by identifying the biggest time management problems that you need to tackle, and tackling each one individual. Chip away at your time management follies one by one until you see yourself saving time and getting more done. By taking things slow and starting small, you can better conquer your time management rather than simply becoming overwhelmed by everything involved in such a large life change.

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time management strategies blog
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